#clapforourcarers: Thursday 26 March, 8pm. Clap for the NHS
There’s a lot going on. And we’re in a place where we’ve never been before. Our magnificent NHS teams work around the clock to look after us, spending days away from their own families, working until beyond exhaustion point – and while so many amazing initiatives are being set up by businesses all over the UK, there’s another movement that’s building – and we’re asking for your help to support it.
THURSDAY 26 MARCH, 8pm #clapforourcarers
FOR ONE NIGHT, on THURSDAY 26 MARCH at 8pm, we want to invite you to open your windows, go out into your gardens, or even just sit on your sofa, and for 1 minute, we want you to join us as we applaud our amazing NHS and all the individuals who are working tirelessly to get us through this period. This is a national initiative, and you will be joining the applause of people all over the UK.
The radio stations are getting involved too, so for more information, listen to what Chris Moyles, from Radio X, had to say.
We’ll be sure to remind you when it’s time!