To our Town,
Last month the Town Council voted to adopt in full, the report from the Beaminster Climate and Long-term Resilience Working Group’s recommendations, including forming a committee to lead the way. It provides an exciting opportunity for Beaminster residents to shape our long-term future. It is important that this committee represents everyone in our town so it will need to include members from local groups, schools, businesses and a cross section of residents, old, young and some in the middle!
This committee will be fully involved in forming the more detailed plans for taking the initiative forward. The recommendations are broad and look to address our climate emergency, protect our environment and wildlife together with enhancing our local economy, businesses, housing, public transport and just about everything that affects our daily lives and existence.
But the whole point is to find ways to get everyone involved, combining knowledge old and new. This committee will be formed and driven by residents and will deliver on priorities for all ages and backgrounds. This is a very exciting time and opportunity for Beaminster, starting by forming this committee that will be unique and fresh.
Some of the issues we face are larger than others, but the creating of a strong and dynamic committee will ensure its success in delivering on a range of positive changes that enhance and improve our community. So, I write to invite you to join us and help drive this change as a valued member of Beaminster.
I will be hosting an online meeting on Thursday 29th April 2021 at 7 pm via zoom (Meeting ID: MEETING ID 984 128 7525, PASSCODE 875768) and via facebook live to explain the report in a little more detail and how you can join us and help us deliver on its priorities.
I really hope to see you there!
Cllr Craig Monks