A Seat on Beaminster Town Council
Are you a Beaminster resident or do you have a business in the town? Do you care about the town and its community? If you do Beaminster needs you!
Cllr Julie Cooke recently tendered her resignation resulting in a vacant seat on the Town Council. If within 14 days of this notice a request for an election to fill the vacancy is made by TEN electors of the town an election will be held to fill the vacancy, otherwise the Town Council will invite those interested to submit their details and the vacancy will be filled by co-option.
The Council have, in recent years been proactive in enhancing the services, facilities and appearance of the town for the benefit of its townsfolk, businesses and visitors. Our Christmas Lights display, the Summer Bunting and flowers, Community Resilience and Discover Beaminster campaign are just a few examples of our achievements but…we still have a way to go!
This year the new public toilets will be open for use in March and we are actively looking at providing a public toilet in the Memorial Playing Field. We have already made improvements to the Public Hall but there is more to be done. We also wish to focus on ECO issues such as the plastic free status for Beaminster and community events such as regular litter picks, Skate jams and our Scarecrow Competition.
The Council would love to hear from you if you aspire to these and other important issues relating to the town. If you would like more information or an informal chat with the myself or a member of the Council please contact the Council Office to make an appointment 01308 863634 or [email protected]
Finally we would like to take this opportunity to thank Julie for all of her help over the last few years.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Christine Bright
Town Clerk