Could you be a Town Councillor?
Following the Town Council meeting held on 28th March 2023 Councillors Robin Cheeseman and Douglas Drinnan tendered their resignation, the Council duly informed Dorset Council of the two vacancies and they have instigated the required advertising process.
Should 10 or more townspeople request an election to fill the positions Dorset Council will advise of a date for the election however if no such request is received the Town Council have the authority to fill the positions via co-option, should this be the case this would take place at the Annual Council Meeting scheduled for Tuesday 30th May 2023.
What does this mean?
The Town Council consists of eleven councillors, with the resignations it currently operates with nine members, with elections postponed until May 2024 the Council is duty bound to endeavour to fill the two vacancies and operate with full council membership.
The Council is ‘non political’ and strive to provide the best it can for the town and its residents.
Responsibilities include:
- Memorial Playing Field and its facilities with the exception of the pavilion
- Recreational area known as Pease Hill
- Cemetery and closed churchyard at Shortmoor
- Furland Allotments in East Street
- The Square including bunting, floral displays and Christmas lights
- Public Hall in Fleet Street which is home to the Council office, the Fleet Club and community fridge
- Public Toilets at the entrance to Yarn Barton Car Park
- CB3 community bus service
- Discover Beaminster website
How can you get involved?
- Are you passionate about your community?
- Do you want to help make a long-lasting change?
- Do you have innovative ideas for the council?
- Do you have concerns about a specific issue and want to do something about it?
If this is you, then we need you. We need people from all backgrounds and experiences who reflect their community to put themselves forward. Make a change and become a councillor.
How do I express an interest?
In the first instance why not have a chat to one of the existing Councillors or the Town Clerk.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank both Robin and Doug for their exceptional contribution to the Town Council and the town of Beaminster.