Churches Count on Nature at St. Mary’s, Beaminster Churchyard on Sunday 11th June 2023, 2-4pm
Could you engage with the natural world and take part in the churchyard wildlife count this summer?
Churches across all denominations in England and Wales will be participating in Churches Count on Nature, an annual scheme where people visit churchyards and record the plant and animal species they encounter.
The lovely churchyard at St. Mary’s, Beaminster, with its The Living Churchyard Gold Award & Eco-Church Gold Award, is for everyone to enjoy. The wildflower areas have many species of flowers, grasses and insects including the rare wart biter bush-cricket.
We’d love you, whatever your age, to come and take part in our Churches Count on Nature at St Mary’s Churchyard on Sunday 11th June from 2-4pm. Clipboards/notebooks and a pen will be helpful and experts will be on hand to help with identification. Results will be submitted to the national database.
For further details, contact Gillian Perrott on 07753 958035 or [email protected]