The Town Council are looking for someone to join the team at the Council Office to work alongside the Town Clerk and the Assistant Town Clerk.
The position will consist of 25 hours per week, Monday to Friday, 9.30 – 2.30 based at the Office in Fleet Street.
The role will be varied centered around financial administration, management of the town’s cemetery and administration of Council projects. Comprehensive details can be found in the job description together with details of salary.
The Town Council supports its staff by providing training however a knowledge of computer account systems and some research experience would be advantageous.
Closing date for applications will be Noon on Wednesday 29th November 2023, it is anticipated that interviews will take place week commencing Monday 11th December.
For more information, job description and salary details please contact the Town Council Office on 01308863634 or email the Town Clerk at [email protected]