Become a Town Councillor!
A message from Cllr Craig Monks, Beaminster Town Council Chairman
Build Tomorrow’s Beaminster – it’s in your hands! This coming May, town and parish councils will be holding elections. Over the past 5 years (4 as Chairman), I have seen Beaminster town council achieve so much and been involved in so many events for the town that I couldn’t possibly list them all in this letter.
But for me, one of the most important achievements is the greater engagement and visibility with residents. Whether that was with community events that we have organised or simply live streaming our meetings to you all, I have always wanted to showcase the town and its council’s work. And I hope that over the last 5 years Beaminster town council has made a real positive impact on you all.
I hope that we have created something that you have seen and would want to be part of. We need new people to join the council. Maybe you have a skill or a passion that you could share, maybe you used to feel that council wasn’t for you but now you have changed your mind, or maybe you have concerns about local issues and want to stand up and be heard?
We want to welcome applications from all residents and all backgrounds, so why not you? As someone who has volunteered for 13 years to Town and Parish councils and with a young family, a business and a full-time job, I can honestly say it’s one of the best and most rewarding things I have done.
Nomination forms are available now! Town and parish council elections are being held on Thursday, 2nd May and we encourage you to consider standing as a Councillor to represent Beaminster Town Council. For more information on being a Councillor or who to get advice from, please visit take a look at this website or pop into the town council office and speak with a staff member. Nomination forms are now available along with a useful video on how to complete the form and some useful insights from current Councillors on what it means to be a Councillor.
Useful Links
Nomination form
How to complete the form
Dorset Council Election Page