New Defibrillator for Beaminster
Beaminster WI was delighted to “officially” hand over a new defibrillator for the town this week, located on the front side of the Beaminster Fire Station (facing Clay Lane). Having been due to arrive in January, the plaque reads “Donated by Beaminster WI, January 2025”, which coincides nicely with the WI’s 107th birthday month.
The idea for the defibrillator came from member Ann Porter who runs the WI’s weekly Exercise Class. Over time, this built up sufficient funds for the purchase which all agreed was an extremely worthwhile contribution to the town. Dorset & Wiltshire Fire & Rescue installed the equipment and they and Beaminster Town Council agreed to maintain the equipment going forward.
The photo includes Dorset & Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Station Commander, Mark Greenham; Beaminster Town Council Clerk, Christine Bright; Ann Porter, Jean Mitchison, Beaminster WI Secretary, Linda Golding, Beaminster WI Treasurer and Jane Doughty, Beaminster WI President, as well as members of Beaminster WI.