New Skatepark for Beaminster

In 2013 residents of Beaminster undertook a major survey to determine what they wanted for their town, this resulted in the Beaminster Futures 2013-2023 document. Most young people wanted a skatepark and improvements to the play area in the Memorial Playing Field. A small group of townspeople, with support from West Dorset District Council (now…

Inside Beaminster church during the walk in Wednesday they host once a week.

Walk-in Wednesday

Walk-In Wednesday   Every Wednesday, Beaminster’s St Mary’s Church comes alive with coffees and teas, activities, laughter and a sense of wellbeing as it throws its doors open to the weekly Walk-in Wednesday community initiative   Driven by the Beaminster Area Team Ministry of 15 churches in the heart of rural Dorset, Walk-In Wednesday is…


West End Production of Faulty Towers visits Beaminster

West End Production of Faulty Towers visits Beaminster   Yes, Faulty, not Fawlty. In May, for one day only, Beaminster’s Ollerod Restaurant and rooms turned into Faulty Towers – complete with an extra-grumpy Basil, a slightly-confused Manuel and a rooted peace-keeping Sybil, as the internationally-acclaimed production of Fawlty Towers: A Dining Experience treated visitors to…

The community bus for Beaminster. Picking up passengers from the town.

CB3 Community Bus

Cost-cutting is prevalent throughout our communities – and transport links is just one example of where services are being dropped due to a lack of funding and requirement. But the CB3 Community Bus initiative, a transport project that links villages around Bridport, Beaminster and Crewkerne with these towns on a Saturday, is changing that for local residents in Beaminster.
